Typically between 6 to 7 years old


Stage Description: in Stage 1, the child is learning the relation between letters and sounds and between print and spoken words. The child is able to read simple texts containing high frequency words and phonically regular words, and uses skills and insight to “sound out” new words. In relation to writing, the child is moving from scribbling to controlled scribbling to nonphonemic letter strings. Adults are encouraging the child to write about known words and use invented spellings to encourage beginning writing, which can be extended through assisted performance. In this stage, the main aims are to further develop children’s phonological awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and ability to manipulate phonemes and syllables (segmentation and blending). (See Stages of Development essay for more information.)


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See the Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Reading List for more recommendations ...



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Palmer, J. L. & Invernizzi, M. (2015). No more phonics and spelling worksheets. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

See the Phonics, Spelling and Morphology Reading List for more recommendations ...



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